Before looking into the advantages or disadvantages of human cloning, the question which would come to mind is how the mechanics of such a complicated process work? The main method which scientists have come to use is Somatic cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT). This is the same method by which animals have been cloned and in theory this transfer commences when doctors take the egg from a female donor and remove its nucleus, creating an enucleated egg. Along with this egg, a cell, which contains DNA is taken from the person whom is ready to be cloned from. Electricity is then used to fuse the cell together along with the previous created enucleated egg. This will create an embryo, which is then inserted into the surrogate mother through a method called vitro fertilization. If this whole process were to work, then the baby which is given to birth to by the surrogate mother would be a clone of the person whom had his cell removed and fused. At the end of a normal conception time period.